Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Heron Island Underwater

While on Heron Island the entire group went snorkeling at least once a day. Several, including myself (Zach), Travis, Lisa, and the Hyatt twins went diving on two occasions. Below is a collection of photos taken throughout the snorkel and dive excursions. they are slightly out of order...
The first group coming in from their night snorkel
A wobbegong shark at the end of the night snorkel. If they bite you, their jaw locks and you not only are bitten but have a shark that is stuck to you...pleasent
Jaw's little cousin...a white tip reef shark
I found nemo...unfortunately the camera fogged up during the dive....
A semi-wide angle phot of a section of Tenements 1-2 reefs showing coral diversity with branching coral being the dominant species
A school of pelagic fish hanging out underneath an overhang
a big fish...
Crown of thorns starfish.
This I believe is a feather star, or a brittle star...
My favorite picture...

Travis taking some photos
You can tell I learned a lot in marine ecology...this is a striped fish next to a ship wreck in the harbor
A parrot fish. They wil bite off chunks of coral and grind it up to get the algae living on the coral
Sting Ray
A moray eel with the group in the background

Kaitlin enjoying the snorkeling in the harbor
I'm not sure who this is, but it is a cool photo
Katie and AmyAmanda Bucci holding a starfish
Colette modeling underwater next to a reef

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